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VV :
I can't help but notice on the new album a cleaner sound, maybe more accessible.
When I play it at work, everyone likes it. Whereas, with No Pocky for
Kitty it's not that accessible. Is there a new direction you're taking?
SC : (Jim)
We spent more time recording it this time. Twelve days. A little bit longer.
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VV : Are you
looking for a cleaner sound?
SC : (L) I
think it's just naturally happening. As a result of us playing together
longer and... (Jim) Playing together more complexly and you have
to go for clarity (L) You have to be kind of tidy. (Jim)
Otherwise it sounds muddy, like chaos...(L) A big pile of crap.
VV : Does
this interfere with your performance of earlier material?
SC : (Jim)
No. We play something from every period in our live shows. When it's four
people doing their own thing, it's hard to record it. Because something
will be lost. You have to let the subtleties rise to the surface.
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VV : Yeah,
that really works on the new album. A lot of good slower songs...
SC : (Jim)
But when we perform them, we play them twice as fast. Like last night
in L.A. we played "Marquee" and people were slam dancing.
VV : Which
I remember from Chapel Hill, you hate that...you mock that.
SC : (L) It
is easy to mock that. 'Cause you know, there's a certain type
of person that usually does it. (Jim) Even when people were slam
dancing, it was sort of silly. In 1984 it was silly, and in 1980 it might
have been novel, but...